mavi tema
See here the preview of the final result of this Photoshop tutorial:
Be care, this tutorial can take long time, ensure you have 1 or 2 free hours in front of you to completely realize this Photoshop tutorial.
Open your Photoshop software, then go to the menu File>New. A new window gets open, fill in the name of your future .psd file, enter the width and height (1000×1400 pixels).
Click on the button OK and your new document get open.
Advice : Save your document right now to make easy the save process of your file.
To do it, go to menu File>Save as. By next steps, click easy on Ctrl/Cmd + S to save your updates.
Press Ctrl/Cmd + R to display your document rules used to create guides. These guides a very important to help you to find the correct place of each elements of your layout.
Create a first horizontal guide to 60pixels of the top border. Create a new group and un new layer (name the group menu and the layer background). Using the Rectangular Marquee tool (M), create a bar with a size 1000x60px and the colour: dark blue #112d3b.
Use now the Text tool (T) to create the links of the menu. I used for it the Helvetica Neue font … with the colour #cde1ea.
Create a new layer and create on it a rectangle (80 * 70 pixels) (never mind the colour).
Go to menu Layer>Layer Style to add a gradient overlay and an inner shadow.
Create again a new layer as well as a 3pixels height line using same as the one used for the menu. Use now the Custom Shape tool (U)to create a triangle in the middle of this bar.
Use one more time the Text tool (T) to add a white link.
See the result below.
To create the depth map, I used an interesting resource, which can be downloaded from the website of our partner Shutterstock (click on the link to download this file). So, download it and open the .eps file using the Illustrator software. Select the depth and copy it.
Go back to your Photoshop document and press the Ctrl/Cmd + C keys to paste the picture. To finish, create a new group you name the map. Put the new layer into this group.
Use the Text tool (T) to create the title of your map. Put your title in the center of your document and add these both layer styles (check the setup below). Reduce now the opacity of the depth to 40%.
Go back to Illustrator and copy this time only the map. Paste the copy into your Photoshop document.
The legend is a block located on the right side of the map, it is used to display important data published on the map. To create this legend, create a new group (menu layer>new>group) you name the legend.
Use now the Rectangle marquee tool (U) to create a whit rectangle (with a size of 120x320px). Reduce the opacity of the layer to 40%.
Go now to menu Layer>Layer Mask>Reveal all to add a layer mask on this layer. Change the foreground colour to the black and select the gradient tool (G). From the Gradients selector, select the second one (foreground transparent).
Create now two gradients on the layer mask, the first one from the top to the bottom and the second one from the bottom to the center.
Create a new layer you name the glow. Update the foreground colour to the white. Change the setup of your gradient to get a radial gradient. Use now your gradient to create a white glow. To finish, switch the blending mode of this layer to overlay.
Import the glove from Illustrator to Photoshop and place it over your white glow.
To close the legend subject, use the Text tool (T) to add your explanation (use the #d7e7ee colour). Add a drop shadow onto the text.
Use the text tool (T) to add at each end of each line, a percentage or an explanation regarding your needs. Add on them, the same drop shadow as the one used for the legend text.
See below the final result of the map + the legend.
Use the rounded Rectangle (U) with a radius of 3px to create 3 rectangles ((280x174px).
Place them on the whole width of your document.
Reduce de background opacity to 20% and switch the blending mode to overlay. Add an outline to each rectangle.
To create the titles, import into your document, the small businessman icon from the eps file (top left).
Use the Text tool (T) to add your title. Add again the same drop shadow (menu layer>layer style>drop shadow).
In this block, I used a graphic available from the eps file. But to find the perfect integration of it, create first two glows; one white, one black.
To create the white one, create first a new layer you name the light gradient. Change the foreground colour to white and with the Radial Gradient tool (G), create the white glow (foreground gradient transparent).
Press now the Ctrl/Cmd + t keys to activate the free transform and to reduce the glow height.
To finish, reduce the layer opacity to 30% and change the blending mode to Soft Light.
Apply same method to create a black glow (will be use as a shadow).
Import now the graphic over the glow and shadow layer.
To terminate the first block of contents, use the Text tool (T) add few explanation regarding your graphic (use one more time the drop shadow onto the text).
For the second block, use same steps as the steps used previously to create the title.
Import from the .eps file (under Illustrator) into your document, the icon of the blue guy. Increase its size and press Enter to validate the import.
Use the text tool (T) to add a text on its right side. Create now on bottom right of the block, a rounded rectangle with yellow colour #f9a61a and size 80×22 pixels (to do it, use the rounded rectangle tool (U) with 2 pixels radius).
On this rectangle, add 3 layer styles : inner shadow, gradient overlay and an stroke) using the setting below.
Use the Text tool (T) to add your button name with the colour #865f11 and add a drop shadow.
Create a new group you name button. Put into this group, the rounded rectangle.
It is time now to start the creation of the third block. Create again title on the top of
the block.
Import two yellow icons from the .eps file (see picture below).
Use the Text tool (T) to add texts contents on the right side of each icon.
Duplicate the button group and put the copy of the button, bottom right of the third block.
Remind: To duplicate a group or a layer, right click on the layer from the layers window, then click on “duplicate the layer”.
See below the final result of the 3 block.
3 blocks are located under the map to display your last works or your services (i.e.).
To create this block, create first a blue rectangle (#102d3a) which fills the bottom part of your picture.
Create now a new layer you name shadow. Select the Gradient tool (G) with the second gradient (foreground transparent) and change the foreground colour to the black.
Add a layer mask on the layer « shadow » (menu layer>layer mask>reveal all) and with the rectangle marquee tool (M), create a selection from the left border to the center of your picture and create a gradient from the center to the left side. Apply same method to the right side of your shadow.
Use the Text tool (T) to create the titles of your new blocks. Add a drop shadow (menu layer>layer style>drop shadow).
Use now the rounded rectangle tool (U) to create a white rectangle (280×260 pixels).
Switch the blending mode of the rectangle to overlay and reduce its opacity to 20%.
Over the first rectangle, create a second white rounded rectangle with a size of 260x150px (with a margin of 10px).
Import the picture to illustrate this first block. Please, visit the Grafpedia’s Stock pictures to find pictures with free of use. Right click (with your mouse) on the layer of the picture en select the function “create a clipping mask”.
Just under it, use the Text tool (T) to add a date (with yellow #fbbf21) and a paragraph (with blue #abbfc9). Ensure to skip some space between date and text.
Go back to your .eps file and import into your Photoshop picture, the little yellow ball. Put it between the date and the paragraph.
Duplicate the yellow button, previously created, then, switch the yellow colour of this button, to this blue #5a91aa. Change the container colour to this blue #102b38 (use same blue for the text).
Now, the first block is finished.
Repeat the previous steps to create two other blocks.
Before to create a mailing list block, you are going to create a sharing shadow. To do it, create first a new layer you name shadow.
Create a selection on the width of your picture with le Rectangle marquee tool, then use the Gradient tool (G) to create the same black gradient as the one used during the previous step.
Add a blending mask to the layer, the same used to the first shadow (menu layer>blending mask>reveal all).
Use the same Gradient tool to create a gradient form the left side to the center and from the right side to the center.
Use the Text tool (T) to invite the visitor to enter its email address. In this way, create a title (blue #9ec4d5) and a paragraph (soft blue #cce0e9).
Use the rounded rectangle tool (U) on the right to create a form field (blue rectangle #091a21 size 290x40px) as well as a button (soft blue rectangle #5e96ae, size 100x40px).
Add on the button the layer styles previously added on the yellow and blue buttons.
Use the Text tool (T) on the form filed to add an explanation text “Insert your mail…” with the blue #1d4f66.
Add now on the button the button description using this colour #102d3a (In my example, I used the Helvetica Neue LT Std font in black). Add the drop shadow from the yellow and blue buttons, previously used.
See below the result final of your Template.
Use the Rectangle tool (U) to create a blue rectangle (#091a21) with a size of 1000 x 90px.
Use the Text tool (T) to add your Website Copyright. I used this colour #cce0e9 for the first line and the colour #668491 for the second line.
To finish this theme, return to the top to create the logo. Then, go back to the group Menu created during the Step 1.
Create first a rectangle with same colour than the one used for the menu. Create it 10pixel more than the menu on the bottom (check the picture below).
Then go for the last time in your.eps file (in Illustrator) and import the icon with the business man. Add custom the fill color with a layer style (menu Layer> Layer Style> Color Overlay). Use this color! #dfecf1.
Use the text tool (T) to add the name of your website. Use the Helvetica Neue LT Std font with a normal mode and with the black (colours used #dfecf1 and #6187b7).
Create a new group you name the logo and group into it, the icon and the text.
See below, the result including the theme with the logo.
Duplicate your group logo, then use the Move tool (V) to put the copy of this layer on the bottom right of your Footer.
Your theme is now finished, after lot of steps, but from this hard work, it results a wonderful result, isn’t it ?
I hope you like this new Photoshop tutorial, by my side I enjoyed to create it. If you want, you can promote it on Twitter or Facebook, or you can share it with your friends. I thanks in advance, all readers who will do it.
If you are interested reading more Photoshop tutorials, please click here to visit the section with all our photoshop tutorials.
To finish, thanks a lot to our partnership Shutterstock, where the pictures used in this tutorial are coming from. Click here to visit Shutterstock.